Often the best way to grasp something
new is to compare it to something already familiar to you.
What was the best hamburger you
ever ate? Seriously. Think about it for a second and have an answer in mind.
Maybe it was your mom’s hamburger, or an In-and-Out burger, or some
burger at a restaurant you love, or at a cookout or barbecue. You got it? Good.
Here’s what I’m betting you did NOT
say: “McDonald’s”.
Here’s the point. Something doesn’t have to be the BEST in order for it to
become the BEST SELLING. McDonald’s may not have the best burgers,
but what they do have is the best burger-selling system.
Stop and think about that for a moment.
And they’re not alone. Domino’s Pizza does many BILLIONS in sales each
year. Do they have the best pizza? No.
But once again, what they have is an amazing pizza-selling system.
With a properly working system, you
only have to follow it, not create it. The heavy lifting has already been done for
you. Having good system in place is why a 19 year old kid can open up a
Chick-Fil-A restaurant in the morning
and then supervise a small team, as hundreds of customers are fed.
An interesting, but little known fact, is that in the course of its long history,
Network Marketing has been directly
responsible for creating the popularity of many products and services that
have become part of everyday life, including but not limited to, concentrated detergents, vitamins, protein powder, many nutritional supplements, the high protein/low carb diet, plastic
containers to hold food, water filtration,
phone cards, discount telephone services, deregulated television services,
deregulated electric service, essential
oils, term life insurance, crowd funding, and many, many, more.
It is a remarkable truth that the
above-mentioned products and services were first popularized with the
general public through Network Marketing.
Posted by Paul Shala Neumi Rep